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REMARKS OF SIGNATORIES To an Appeal to the Honourable Prime Minister requesting full and effective use of ISM in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19

Anil Gupta (Ex Professor, IIMA, Ahmedabad)


I will refrain from saying that Ayush system has solutions for the treatment of Covid but it certainly boosts immunity and reduces the chances of getting attacked by Covid. This in itself is a very strong benefit.



Anita Reddy (Managing Trustee of AVAS and DRRT, Padmashree, Bangalore)


For more than 4 decades now I have been treated with Ayurvedic medicines for different health issues and comorbidities. Without the treatment from Dr. P. L.T . Girija , there were many times when I felt I would give up on recovering at all. It was obvious, therefore, that I would follow the advice given by my Ayurvedic doctor to take all preventive precautions against Covid-19. They worked on me like miracles and kept me safe despite all the exposure I have had due to the nature of my work in villages and slums. I strongly believe that our nation remains in the current state of wellness because of Ayurveda.



Ankita Vilas Adkine (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


Kindly allow the use of Indian Medical Systems for the Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19.



Annapoorani A. (Ayurvedic Physician, Thiruchirapally)


I have treated Covid patients with mild symptoms during first wave and second wave. It is very effective and the recovery is within a week’s time. Patients are most satisfied.



Anupama Patra (Professor, Ayurveda, Delhi)


I agree with you. I have directly or indirectly already treated 250-300 cases of Covid 19 with Ayurveda alone. Ayurveda has the capacity to deal every case in a very simple method.



Anuradha Singh (Retired Chief Scientist, NISTADS CSIR, Delhi)


I have worked for several years on the theory and practice of Ayurveda and local health traditions.



Anurag Mittal (Professor, IIT Madras)


Several of our ailments including thyroid problem, liver problem, acidity, anaemia, etc. have been cured by Ayurvedic medicine prescribed by qualified practitioners.



Aparna Krishnan (Paalaguttapalle, Chittore District, Andhra Pradesh)


In our village, the people of their own volition took guduchikashayam as a preventive for months. They also took Sudarshan Churnam under Dr. Girija's advice.



Asha S (Gram Seva Sangh, Bengaluru)


It’s time we consider Indian medicine, to lead us out of this crisis.



Bharat Gupt (Trustee and Executive Member, IGNCA, Delhi)


I was cured by Ayurvedic treatment twice, after all allopathic treatment had failed.



Bharath Bhikkaji (IIT Madras)


Make data available on results



Bharti Kumari (Ayurvedic Physician, Patna)


Karo Yog, Raho Nirog



Boby George (Professor, IIT Madras) Scientific evidence of ISM shall be made public with greater clarity to encourage the public to make use of it



Braja Sorenson (Mayapur, W.B.)


Quite apart from the obvious successes of Ayurveda over the course of thousands of years, it is particularly embarrassing that the Indian government has not promoted their own national successes as natural (not “alternative”) treatments that both practitioners and doctors know to be far more successful in curing and preventing disease than modern, chemical-laden, allopathic practices that do not prevent or cure disease but merely its symptoms, and which is beholden to a corrupt profit-driven system that is inherently dishonest, i.e., Big Pharma.



Cecil Ross (Professor, St John's Medical College, Bengaluru)


It is good to Coordinate between Ayurveda and Modern Medicine to see if there is synergy.



Chandan Banwade (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


Very important initiative.



Chandra (Farming for Food, Kanakapura, Karnataka)


Leaves of Adathoda vasica plant plus Ramatulasi and Krishantulasi, honey and onion juice gave great relief for Corona infected patient with cough.



Chandra Wadhwa (President, ICAI, Bhopal)


Ayurveda is the ancient method of treatment and can prove to be effective for Covid.



Chetan (Professor, Amreli)


Jai Ayurveda.



Deepali Rajesh Shinde (Ayurvedic Physician and CHO, Baramati)


Ayurvedic medicines and dietary advice is much more effective. It should be recommended in the treatment protocol of Covid 19.



Desai V. R. (Dean of Engineering and Architecture, IIT Kharagpur)


My daily practice of 13 number of Surya Namaskaras, side bending and twisting Yogasana coupled with Pranayama has been very effective in building my immunity against Covid-19 and other major diseases.


Devendra Jalihal (Professor, Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras)


I am in favour of giving Indic knowledge systems a fair chance. Recall that a Chinese scientist received the Nobel Prize for her work on Chinese traditional medicine as remedy for Malaria. It is known that there was a lot of give and take between Indic and Sinic up to the 10th century.



Devendra R. Giri (Director NCDs Health Care Pvt. Ltd, Achalpur)


My research could be the smartest solution on the problem that entire health sector is facing worldwide.



Dipankar Mahanta (Social Entrepreneur, Guwahati)


Many people in our State are following preventive practices, i.e., by taking traditional local concoctions.



Dodagoudar G R (Professor, IIT Madras)


Very good move.



Dola Dasgupta (Educator, Storyteller, Pune)


I have firm faith in Indian Systems of Medicines for holistic healing of body, mind and spirit. It is our age old tradition and we must use it and promote it widely.



Ganesh Ramakrishnan (Professor, IIT Bombay)


Request the Government to facilitate research including NMR analysis, viral load testing, etc., for Indian systems of medicine especially which have also done well in clinical trials



Gauranga Das (Director, ISKCON Govardhan Ecovillage, Palghar Distt., Maharashtra)


We have an Ayurvedic Centre at Govardhan Ecovillage and Bhakti Vedanta Hospital, we have developed Ayurcoro medicine for prevention of COVID. Indigenous medicines and treatment has helped many patients which were not getting any help from allopathic treatment.



Gaurav Bansod (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


I treated all of my family members who tested positive for Covid 19 with Ayurvedic medicine.



Gayatri Kursunge (Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nagpur)


Hope, faith, trust, love. It is all about Ayurveda.



Gopal Krishnan P. (Principal Consultant, Hyderabad)


There has to be significant scientific progress to ensure relevance of Ayurveda in the contemporary world.



Hariramamurthi G (Professor Emeritus, TDU, Bengaluru)


Our country is one of the very few that has sustained its healing heritage despite several setbacks, including foreign invasions and rule. Covid 19 has taught us the limitations of allopathy, on which our country invests so much and continues to do so. I have myself used indigenous medicine for management of Covid 19 that I suffered from in May 2021. I got well with Ayurveda medicines and a few vitamin and mineral supplements.



Hema K. R. (CMO, SAG, CGHS Chennai )


I am an allopathic physician practicing as a family medical practitioner in the Central Government. I have had some theoretical knowledge of the foundations of Ayurveda during my studies as Yoga teacher. I find the system logical, scientific, holistic and tried and tested.



Hemraj Konduji Bhiogade (Professor of Ayurveda, Durg)


I have treated more than 250 Covid positive and symptomatic cases with low SpO2 and increased D-Dimer and LDH levels during the 2nd wave with only Ayurvedic treatment.



Ismat Zahra (Consultant at Wellacy Ayurveda, Nagpur)


Ayurveda practices should be promoted by government as it has originated from our country.



Jaydeep Chatap (Ayurvedic Doctor, Gadchandur)


I have treated covid patient with Ayurvedic medicine along with allopathy and results have been very good.



Jitendra Sangwai (Professor, IIT Madras) I have been using Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine since the pandemic set in last year. I have regularly attended office except on the days of intense lockdown, while many of my colleagues did not step out of their houses for the whole year.



Joshi N. V. (Former Associate Professor, CES, IISc, Bengaluru)


I have gone through some of the references quoted in the letter and have found the studies carried out and reported in a manner appropriate for any scientific and technical journal and the results and conclusions interesting, important and convincing.



Jyoti (Associate Professor, Meerut)


Live for Ayurveda



Jyoti Sanghera (Chief of Section, UN OHCHR (Retired), Geneva)


For over a decade I have only followed Ayurvedic treatment and medication for my health concerns. I have benefitted greatly from Ayurvedic medicine in all aspects. I have never experienced any side effects of the medication and most importantly, the treatment has rooted out the source of problem. My energy and stamina has been built up and my general heath has been maintained at a good level.



Jyotsna (Professor, Ayurveda, PIAMSR, Bulandshehr)


In my experience, the Indian system of medicine was found very effective in curing mild and moderate cases of Covid-19, thus avoiding the increase in severe cases.



Kajal Lahiri (Distinguished Professor of Economics, SUNY Albany, USA)


In China, even today, doctors regularly give both types of medicines, even for common cold.



Karthik Raman (Associate Professor, IIT Madras)


This is a good idea; more people are comfortable with and heavily employing it for prevention, though not for treatment. Some of the modern treatments are indeed causing strong side-effects. For milder cases, it makes a lot of sense to try this out. It is important to have an open mind, and evaluate the pros and cons and effectiveness in an unbiased fashion (data driven!). We mostly see people jumping to one conclusion or the other, based on their past experiences/rumours.



Karuna Nagarajan (Associate Professor, SVYASA, Bengaluru)


Yoga along with music as add-on therapy have helped many Covid patients in the management of the disease and in post-recovery rehabilitation. Ayurvedic medicines, nasal drops of Anu Taila, Tablets of SudarsharshanaVati and Samshamani Vati have helped to prevent and manage it. Yogic Kriyas like nasal irrigation or Jala Neti also have helped many patients.



Khem Chand Sharma (Professor & Head, Uttarakhand Ayurveda University, Haridwar)


Personal experiences during 2nd wave of COVID-19: During 2nd wave of COVID-19, there was a shortage of oxygen beds. The patients, among my relatives or acquaintances, were prescribed well-known Rasaushadhies for the duration of 7 to 14 days. The results were remarkable, especially in recovering from shortness of breath. There were a few hurdles during the course of treatment, which were overcome with the help of Rasaushadhies as well as Herbal Formulations.



Kiran Kumar S. K. (Former Professor of Psychology, Mysore University, Mysore)


I have made use of both Ayurvedic and Homeopathic systems of medicine and have found them useful. I have relatives and friends who are Ayurvedic physicians. I have also contributed a chapter for an edited book* that extensively discusses Ayurvedic medicine and its efficacy and attempts to bridge the Indian and Western of health and well-being. * “The Perspectives on Reality in Indian Traditions and Their Implications for Health and WellBeing” in A. Morandi and N. Nambi (Eds.) An integrated view of health and wellbeing: Bridging Indian and Western knowledge, Springer, 2013 (pp. 39-57).



Komal Talreja (Ayurvedic Physician, Pune)


The body cleansing panchakarma therapies are most effective in prevention of COVID 19. I have come across a case where all members of a family got affected with COVID 19 except the lady of the house only because she had previously undergone Vamana therapy.



Kowsik Bodi (Professor, IIT Bombay)


We need a systematic evaluation and building of awareness about the suitability and effectiveness of traditional medicines.



Kuthiala B K (Chairman, Haryana Higher Education Council, Panchkula, Haryana)


There is more science in Ayurveda than in any other system of health care.



Latha Satish (Former Research Scientist and Technical Advisor, KYM, Chennai) Have been observing that people using indigenous medicine are more responsive and long term impact on the body is minimal. Needs to be documented.



Madhavan Nambiar (Former Secretary, Civil Aviation GOI, Chennai)


I have been taking Ayurvedic treatment for the last 20 years and I am convinced about its efficacy both for prevention and treatment of various diseases. Hence, I fully support this appeal.



Mahesh Birla (Ayurvedic Physician, Jalgaon)


Respected sir, I’m practicing Ayurveda for last 25 yrs. I had successfully treated many mild to moderate Covid patients including from the economically backward classes. I can definitely promise that even severe Covid patients we can treat without allopathic medicine



Mala Ramakrishnan (Chief Commission of IT (Retired), Mumbai)


My brother aged 70 had suddenly impaired vocal ability which could not be set right through allopathic treatments. Finally through Ayurvedic treatment he regained substantial ability.



Manivannan M. (Professor, IIT Madras)


I would like to bring to your notice our recent study involving Linga Mudra – a Siddha technique for COVID-care. This study has saved thousands of COVID patients around the globe. This is the first time that a Mudra has been scientifically studied. This has motivated many Siddha and Yoga practitioners to prescribe Linga Mudra for COVID patients. We are getting many testimonials on how the Mudra has saved them or their kin and kith.


Here is the reference to the study: Debadutta Subudhi, R. K. Venkatesan, Kalpana Devi, and M. Manivannan, “Finger Induced Auto-Thermogenesis”, in 3rd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, IEEE ECBIOS 2021, May 28th 2021.


This study has been awarded best conference paper award. Now, we are conducting a fullfledged clinical study on the effectiveness of the Mudra for Covid-patients in collaboration with Sri Ramachandra Medical College, National Institute of Siddha, and ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology. I would like to emphasise that this study has been done under severe resourceconstraint, which is very discouraging and does not allow us to take the study further. If we get support from government, we can scientifically test all the Mudras and their effects.



Michel Danino (Visiting Professor, IIT Gandhinagar, Padmashree)


Over several decades I and people close to me have personally experienced the great efficacy of Ayurveda for a number of disorders and diseases, and am convinced it will be an important instrument in the fight against Covid and other yet-to-emerge diseases.



Monica Shukla (Homemaker, Lucknow)


I have taken Ayurvedic treatment and am very much convinced that it treats both physically and mentally. It should be included in regular treatment so that many more are able to get its benefits



Munja Gore (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


Ayurveda will be helpful in Covid treatment



Muralidharan K. P. (Former Principal, Ayurveda College, Coimbatore)


This is in support of your request to the Honourable Prime minister for engaging Ayurveda in preventing and treating Covid. Though I have no experience in treating active Covid patients, as we are not permitted to do so in Kerala. I can say that none who took the preventive Ayurvedic medicines we suggested contracted the disease till now.



Nair M T (Professor, IIT Madras)


An appeal to rely on age old holistic medical system meant for saving lives.



Narayanan A. P. (Ph.D. , Chennai)


I request also to conduct studies on the efficacy of the Ayurveda in curing and preventing Covid.



Neha Rahul Kumbhar (Ayurvedic Physician, Pune)


I believe in Ayurveda.



Nitesh Puranlal Patle (Ayurvedic Surgeon, Tumsar)


Please accept our request



Nithya Sivan (Ayurvedic Physician, Chennai)


I have treated 100s of Covid patients, as part of my work with Sanjeevani and Dr. P. L. T. Girija, and we have treated mild and moderate and high risk cases. I strongly feel that Ayurveda is the best system to prevent the high levels of morbidity and mortality we are seeing with this disease. Entire families, including my own, have got better with pure Ayurvedic treatment. This includes my 70 year old diabetic father who recovered without any complications, my children who recovered fast and easily. If you act fast now to include Ayurveda in the official treatment protocol of Covid, we, Ayurvedic physicians, can be of great help in treating patients, especially children, during the predicted third wave with safe and effective drugs.



Nori G Pradeep (Ayurvedic Physician, Hyderabad)


Jai Ayurveda



Om Vir Singh Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician, Unnao)


Ayurveda is best for Health



Padma Venkat (School of Public Health, SRMIST, Chennai)


AYUSH has supported India's public health systems formally and informally. States, including Tamil Nadu, have benefited in controlling epidemics and the current Covid 19 pandemic by AYUSH interventions. These have to be systematically researched and extended.



Padmini Ranganathan (Ayurvedic Physician, Mysore)


I was treated for COVID with Ayurveda treatment and have recovered well and recommend this treatment to others. Support for Ayurveda and traditional systems of medicines should be increased and its influence should increase in public health facilities all over the country.



Pallavi Thote (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


I have treated Covid patient in Nagpur with Ayurveda. All are healthy till now and do not have any complications.



Parth Chokshi (Ayurvedic Physician, Mumbai)


There is no such disorder which is not cured in Bharat.



Paul Joseph K. (Professor, NIT Calicut)


I don’t have any experience in Ayurveda or Yoga systems. But I have read a lot about both systems. Yoga can definitely reduce the stress and boost the immunity of the body. Breathing  exercise like Pranayama can strengthen the lung muscles. Both systems may take more time for response compared to modern medical systems. I am not sure about the efficacy of Ayurveda or Yoga as treatment of Covid patients. As a preventive measure in terms of boosting immunity, both Yoga and Ayurvedic systems are very good. Both were part of Indian life in the past.



Payal Sharnagat (Ayurvedic Physician and MD Scholar, Pune)


Ayurveda is an ancient science. We need to work on it, to make India proud and to cure people.



Prabha Mandayam (Associate Professor, IIT Madras)


I support the request to systematically incorporate traditional medicine in the treatment of COVID-19, for willing patients. I also request that Ayurvedic/Siddha prophylactic kits (which have proven to be quite useful and efficacious in reducing the severity of the infection) may be distributed widely.



Prabhakar R. (Strand Life Sciences, Bengaluru)


I had gone through COVID treatment at home and was given a large cocktail of allopathic medication. The whole treatment was symptomatic. This could also have been done effectively through traditional Ayurvedic medicines. While the use of Ayurvedic medicines in treatment would be as effective, population-wide vaccination would be essential.



Pradeep Bhattacharya (Chartered Civil Engineer, Navi Mumbai)


I support the use of Alternative Medicines for the treatment of Covid-19.



Pradeep Kumar R. (Professor, IIIT Hyderabad)


I have been using Ayurvedic medicines for 15 years. I use to catch cold every time I travelled to new places within and outside India, and suffer due to it for long periods of time. Tried many modern medicines and concluded that they were actually taking care of the symptoms but not the actual cause. I consulted an Ayurvedic doctor and tried some medicines and was surprised to see that my problem was erased from the root. My personal Ayurvedic doctor informed me that my problem was more due to low immunity level and hence I was catching cold easily. Now, for more than a decade I have been free from cold, etc. I advise people to try Indian systems of medicine, not as the last choice but as first choice.



Pranav Dave Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician and Nadi Vaidya, Ahmedabad)


As mentioned in the appeal to PM, we too have successfully treated more than 1200 Covid positive cases with our Ayurvedic approach and undoubtedly without any mortality. Some of these patients had severe comorbidities. All of them recovered within 7 to 15 days with no postCovid complications or even general weakness. Hats off to the heritage of science that we have.



Pranav Kumar Vasishta G. V. (Independent Researcher, Hyderabad)


Charaka Samhitha refers to prajnaparadha (i.e., intellectual error) to be at the root of all vitiating factors causing diseases, such as the current pandemic. Ignoring an appeal like this would be another addition to the list of the existing prajnaparadha-s.



Prasenjit Mazumdar (Homeopathic Physician, formerly DMO AYUSH, Dinajpur)


Covid Positive patients became Covid Negative after treatment.



Prashant Umate (Ayurvedic Physician and Assistant Professor, Nagpur)


Ayurveda has effective medicines for such diseases. It needs to be supported by the government.



Prashanth Bachu (Consultant, Urban Transport Planning, Hyderabad)


My family has been away from modern medicine for more than 20 years and completely depending on Ayurveda and natural remedies for any and all ailments. It is a shame that we have not allowed proper messaging and promotion for Indian treatments for COVID-19 that have found mass acceptance but have been labelled as unscientific by modern doctors just for their business objectives and to the detriment of general population.



Pravin D. Magar (Ayurvedic Physician and PG Scholar, Hingoli)


Ayurveda should be given encouragement.



Prithvi Raj Udhbhavaha (Student, Bengaluru) Bharatiya systems of medicine have a deep understanding of the human system and have been in practice for centuries. They combine this understanding with a holistic approach to treat people. We must adopt these systems to save people from this pandemic.



Priya S. K. (Advocate Madras High Court)


I have found Ayurvedic medicine very effective for treating serious illnesses such as COVID-19 and Dengue.



Priyambada Pandey (Ayurvedic Physician, Kanpur)


Please consider the Ayurveda for Covid management.



Priyesh C. A. (Associate Professor of Economics, University College, Kerala)


A lot to write from the experiences of my family.



Puduru Viswanadha Reddy (Asst. Professor, IIT Madras)


Active research activity must be funded in Ayurveda and Siddha traditions. These systems must be revived to their past glory.



Rachana Jajal (Ayurvedic Physician and PG Scholar, Mumbai)


I have personally treated around 14 to 15 patients of Covid with only Ayurveda, and a few patients with both Ayurveda and allopathic medicines. I Was a part of AOL group free service in Covid and found that the patients who took Ayurvedic medicine as prevention or started Ayurveda medicine once they had symptoms of Covid were saved from severe disease. They recovered very well. Post-Covid, Ayurvedic medicine did wonders in recovery and also to combat the side effects of Fabiflu.



Rachnil Rajendra Kumar Kamavisdar (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


I have treated more than 500 case of covid 19 this year. Ayurvedic regimen shows very good results for both preventive and curative purpose.



Radhika Rammohan (Restore Health Livelihoods & Nature, Chennai)


My family, several friends, employees and associates of all economic classes have prevented and treated Covid-19 via purely Ayurveda and Yoga approaches. The patients included the very elderly (84 year old). The recovery was much faster and with no long term fatigue or other issues. Caregivers were able to take a moderate preventive protocol and minimize the need for PPE Kits and other such measures. Ayurveda and Siddha remain the most accessible and affordable, safe approaches to manage the pandemic in our country



Raghavendra Sai V. V. (Assoc. Professor, IIT Madras)


Alternate medical practices should be treated at par with Allopathy. While Allopathy has great contributions, it has several limitations, which can be addressed by alternate medicine. Let the Indian citizens get the healthcare that is best for them.


Rahul Dewan (Founder and Managing Trustee, Sarayu Foundation Trust, New Delhi)


In 2014, I developed Gluten intolerance and suffered from severe Eczema if and when I consumed Wheat. I started avoiding wheat for 3 years – and suffered badly, especially during travels when there was no alternate available. In 2017, I turned to Ayurveda. The Vaidya at Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala told me that they would simply work on my digestion. After 6 months of medication, I started having wheat slowly. And about 1 year later switched back to normal life of eating Rotis and Paranthas. I’ve been symptom-free ever since. Had I stayed with modern medicine, I would have to live with allopathic medicines to cure my Eczema and endure a less-than-normal-life with a no-Wheat (no-Gluten) diet for the rest of my life!



Rahul Goswami (UNESCO Asia Expert on Intangible Heritage)


India’s medicinal and healing knowledge systems are and always have been sciences in their own right and there has never been a time, whether in the recent past or the remoter past, when they were actively discriminated against by the state to the extent that I have seen commencing March 2020. Our medicinal systems —Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Unani, indigenous and tribal medicine— survived the impositions of the colonial period which grew more severe after Independence, when India's public health system came to be based on western models. Nonetheless the Indian systems survived and had begun to revive before the onset of Covid.


Having learnt first-hand, through my work on the research and revitalisation of traditional systems of knowledge, both in the Asia region and in India, for the last 30 years, of the profoundly grounded basis of these medicinal systems and their spiritual and cultural roots, I see them as equal in all fundamental respects to the health science model that has been adopted from the West. For this reason, for my close and extended family and for myself, Ayurveda has been the medicinal and diagnostic system we have relied on for the last 15 odd years. Ayurveda has cured or is controlling every single one of the ordinary, seasonal or chronic ailments that have assailed us during this time.



Rahul Mohan (Group Director, National Centre for Ocean Research, Goa)


I have benefited by Ayurveda in my problem of fluctuations in sugar control. For the last 6 years, I have been on Ayurvedic medication. I realised that with change in lifestyle, adoption of 15 Ayurveda is a blessing. The Government should create more avenues for Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a traditional way of life and should be adopted for good health of all.



Rahul Singh (Professor, BIMT, Greater Noida)


I met a renowned Chinese doctor and he said—Indian medicine system of Ayurveda is more powerful than Chinese, but it has been neglected by Indians. This has given us space for establishing traditional Chinese medicine as an acceptable brand. India has lost it.



Rajagopal K. (Professor, IIT Madras)


I have read all relevant publications and documents and am fully aware of the potential of Ayurvedic treatment and its ability to strengthen the immune system. This system may be made popular with government support.



Rajaneesh P. Jose (Ayurvedic Physician, Ernakulam)


Please make effective use of Indian systems of medicine for the well-being of common people…



Rajeev Sangal (Former Director, IIT (BHU), Founder-Director, IIIT Hyderabad)


ISMs have a great potential. They need to be used, and particularly so, for COVID-19.



Rajiv Sharma (Professor, IIT Madras)


India being an ancient civilization needs to return to its roots.



Rajlaxmi (Ayurvedic Physician and Chief Vaidya, Pune)


Those patients who received Ayurvedic Medicines on the first day of onset of Covid or who took preventive medicines were less affected with severe symptoms. Either without symptoms or with minimal symptoms they recovered well and the rate of recovery is also very fast.



Raju C. K. (Consultant, IIIT Hyderabad) All systems of medicine rely heavily on empirical foundations. Indian systems of medicine should be given opportunity to develop given the challenges of the ongoing pandemic.



Ram Bahadur Rai (President IGNCA, Delhi, Padmashree)


Epidemic Act 1897 should be amended and AAYUSH should be included in the list.



Ram Mohan (Chief Physician, Vedagrama Hospital, Omalloor, Pathanamthitta)


Ever since the outbreak of Covid pandemic we have been providing all our staff and in-patients, kaphasurakashayam as preventive measure and fumigating our premises with aparajithachoornam. Not a single staff or in-patient has tested Covid positive till date.



Rama Jayasundar (Professor, AIIMS Delhi)


A physicist, trained in University of Cambridge (UK), I also hold a regular medical degree (BAMS) in Ayurveda. As one with a dual degree in Physics (PhD) and Ayurveda (BAMS), I can say with the confidence of a scientist and researcher that Ayurveda, in particular, is completely equipped to prevent and treat Covid. It is a great pity that the accumulated and systematically documented knowledge and experience of the Ayurvedic acharyas have not been put to use for the Indians.



Rama Subramanian (Director, SAMANVAYA, Chennai)


Practitioners of Indian Systems of Healthcare and Healing and not merely the codified systems have been at the forefront amongst ordinary people of the land in addressing the pandemic challenge. Their unorganized nature makes it difficult to comprehend the exact numbers. It can be safely assumed that this could be several times more than the allopathic system of medicine and organized healthcare market place. Unless the government steps in to recognize and legitimize the vast repertoire of these practitioners, a grave injustice is committed to not merely them and their beneficiaries, but, the entire civilizational legacy that India so proudly claims.



Ramakrishna P. A. (Professor, IIT Madras )


I have had personal experience of Ayurveda and Verma medicines curing diseases like ankylosing spondylosis.



Ramakrishna P. V. (Retired Professor, Anna University)


PPST Group can also see if some action can be initiated against Indian Medical Association because Wikipedia Page on Ayurveda has the following opening paragraph: “Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) characterises the practice of medicine by Ayurvedic practitioners as quackery. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where around 80% of the population report using it.”



Ramesh Babu N. (Professor, IIT Madras)


Please consider the alternative medicine systems —Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Naturopathy also.



Ramesh Chand Verma (Former Professor, Punjabi University, Patiala)


Often, we have been using Ayurvedic medicines which always gave beneficial results thus avoiding the allopathic medicines and their side effects. We have also been using Homeopathic remedies giving great results even in severe cases. When my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2002, the doctors gave us only 2-3 months for her survival. We could elongate her life span to around 2 years using Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines, and we totally avoided Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, except for using mild painkillers occasionally. Recently, when some of our near relatives suffered due to mild or strong attack of Covid, using Ayurvedic medicines along with the prescribed allopathic medicines, and practicing yoga and pranayama, they could avoid hospitalisation, and got cured within 2 weeks while staying at home.



Ramesh Kumar Pandey (Associate Professor, PIAMSR, Jhajjar)


Ayurvedic medicines work in preventing as well as treating patients in Covid 19 pandemic. I highly recommend it in every aspect.



Rammanohar P. (Research Director, Amrita School of Ayurveda, Kollam)


I fully support this initiative. Ravi Badri (Hyderabad) Respected Prime Minister. There was great hope from the people of this country from the BJP led government that finally there will be respect and space for Ayurveda and other traditional Indian Medical systems to flourish and Covid-19 was a God given opportunity to prove the greatness of Indian Knowledge system. But alas, it looks like that opportunity is being wasted. I request you to not to lose any more time by giving space for rigorous study and propagation of cure based on Indian systems of Medicine— the space that it rightly deserves. Pranam.



Ravindra Rajendra Baheti (Ayurvedic Physician, Ambajogai)


Ayurveda is the best way to fight against Covid -19



Robin Choudhary (Assistant Professor, PIAMSR, Jhajjar)


It is a great effort. I believe our ISM is very effective in preventing the disease itself and also post-Covid complications.



Rohit P. Raj (Assistant Professor, PIAMSR, Jhajjar)


Many of my patients who were suffering from Covid-19 had a fast relief after taking Ayurvedic medicine. Hence I strongly recommend Ayush medicine in the treatment of Covid-19.



Roshani Prajapati (Ayurvedic Physician, Vadodara)


Government must allow the use of Ayurveda in all stages of Covid for betterment of citizens.



Sachin Prakash Gwalani (Assoc Professor, SMBT Ayurveda College, Nashik)


I strongly agree and recommend.



Sanatan Mishra (Ayurvedic Physician, Prayagraj)


Ayurveda has the one and only legitimate treatment protocol for Covid.



Sanjib Senapati (Professor, IIT Madras)


I believe we should promote ISM.



Santhy George (Homemaker, Bengaluru)


Our traditional systems of medicine are rich in healing wisdom. Please acknowledge and endorse it so that our citizens can benefit



Santosh Satya (Emeritus Professor, IIT Delhi)


Use of Giloy, Aloevera and Amla juice, Tulsi Tea and Coronil Kit (Patanjali) as preventive was found quite effective. I have been regularly doing Pranayam (including Bhastrika for strengthening Lungs). It has enhanced my मनोबल to fight Corona.



Sastry B. V. K. (Yoga-Samskrutham University, Florida)


I have seen Ayurvedic medicines benefit Covid recovery after vaccination.



Sateesh Gedupudi (Assistant Professor, IIT Madras)


Very much needed.



Sathiyarajeswaran Parameswaran (Faculty, Siddha Central Research Institute, CCRS, Chennai)


I agreed and also want to say that with the support of Ministry of Ayush we could conduct more trials and publish them in International journals. Policy level integration and Integration of mindsets between western and Indian Medicine needs to achieved.



Shamasundar S. (President, BoG, RGIPT, Bengaluru)


Government of India is totally focusing on vaccination. There is no focus on indigenous medicinal practices, and on immunity-boosting using natural methods including yoga, pranayama, kriya, etc.



Shambu Prasad (Professor, IRMA, Anand)


My brother at Chennai recovered fully from Covid through Ayurvedic treatment. Prescriptions from Vaidyas should be accepted in case they recommend home isolation and not hospitalization.



Shanta Dhananjayan (Director, Bharata Kalanjali, Padmabhushan)


We have adopted Ayurveda Science since many years now. Three generations of our family, including us, our children and grandchildren have remained healthy through the great care and attention provided by our Vaidyas. The knowledge of Ayurveda enables us to act quickly and with great insight, preventing any requirement for any major interventions. The Indian Systems of Medicine will have a far reach in Bharath in millions of whose homes this is already a tradition. It will also ease the financial burden being inflicted on families during this pandemic.



Shefali Sangal (Ayurvedic Physician, Indore)


I agree with this appeal.



Shekhar Agarwal (Chairman & MD, Bhilwara Technical Textiles, New Delhi)


A great initiative.



Shilpi Kotwani Vaidya (Ayurvedic Physician and Consultant, Kalyan)


I sincerely hope this matter will be looked into & we won’t waste the benefits Ayurveda can provide in COVID and other diseases.



Shirishkumar Amshekar (Headmaster, Swastika Vidyalaya, Ponda)


Thank you for initiating such a drive. I am happy and contented (समाधानी) to inform our Hon’ble P.M. through this mail that 6 of my family members have not yet suffered this deadly disease. I believe, this is only due to “Ayurcor” which we consumed as preventive. And contented because, hundreds followed me and got positive results. May God Dhanvantari promote Ayurveda in every nooks and corner of avani and give healthy and happy life. Lastly, a lot of research needs to be done speedily. Thanks again.



Shraddha Rai (Ayurvedic Physician, Mumbai)


Ayurvedic medicines are efficient in treating Covid-19.



Shrivatsa Goswami (Practitioner and Scholar of Religion, Vrindavan)


Must be done.



Singh R. N. (Former DGP, UP, Mirzapur)


I got infected in September 2020 and recovered with mild lung infection. Ayurvedic kadha and medicines helped a lot.



Snehal Bhoyar (Ayurvedic Physician, Wardha)


Very well done, lord Dhanwantari will definitely support you.



Sonia Karp (Ayurvedic Physician, Faridabad)


Ayurvedic treatments can help people heal in the first stage of Covid itself. We are using our antiviral medicines for Dengue, Chikungunya and now for Covid also. Many patients have taken online consultations for cold and cough and got relief at home. It will be best if the Government supports proper Ayurvedic treatment and hence can avoid Hospital rush and emergencies. Moreover there are no side effects of well-planned Ayurvedic treatment. I have myself given Swaschntamani Ras to my father in law when he suffered from COVID.



Sowmyan Ramakrishnan (Former Executive Director, Tata Power Ltd., Mumbai)


A friend of mine aged 70 had paralytic stroke affecting his walking. He recovered almost fully through Ayurvedic treatment.



Srilakshmi (Homemaker, Bengaluru)


I have tried and followed SBEBA (science based evidence based Ayurveda) which has been researched and put into practice by Dr. Rajkumar and Dr. Remya Krishnan who are professors in the Ayurvedic College, Mahe. It has worked extremely well for me and for my 1 year old baby as well. I have read many testimonials from others who practice this method. Minimum medication and maximum effectiveness.



Sriram J. (Social Service, Tiruchirappalli)


I was affected on 14th August 2020 and I took only siddha medicine and after that I took Ayurvedic treatment and fully recovered. Our team supplies daily 4000 cups of kabasura kudineer to public. It’s very effective for not only corona but prevents other diseases also.





Indian System of Medicine, cured and worked well for me in times of Covid infection.



Sudarshan N. Iyengar (Former V C, Gujarat Vidyapith, Dharmapur)


We should be ready for clinical trials with proper protocols



Sudeep Tiwari (Ayurvedic Surgeon and MO, Lakheempur)


Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam Aaturasya Vikara Prashamanam Cha Maintain the health of the healthy and alleviate the disease of the sick. This is the objective of Ayurveda.



Sujith (Ayurvedic Physician and RMO, Ochira)


Include Ayurveda in mainstream Covid-management.



Sundararajan S (Votary of Ayurveda/Siddha, Chennai)


Since mid-March 2020, my wife and self, both 70+, have been taking Ayurvedic pills to boost immunity, daily partaking of kapasura kudineer and inhaling herbal steam.



Sunethra Ramanan (Assistant Professor, IIT Madras)


While I don’t understand the intricacies of ISM, yet I do see that Ayurvedic medicines have good effect on viral illness. At a time when people have no clear understanding at all about the prognosis of COVID, allowing trained practitioners might help.



Sunil Lohar (Lecturer, IIIT Hyderabad)


I support Indian system of medicine for Covid-19.



Suresh J. K. (Fellow, Research and VP Infosys, Bengaluru)


I fully endorse the appeal.



Suresh Kumar Agarwalla (MS General Surgery, Ranchi)


Need of the hour.



Suryakumari Dasigi (Centre for People's Forestry, Hyderabad)


I support the appeal



Susmitha H S (Student, Bengaluru)


Namaste, I am Susmitha. It is my ambition to become a good Vaidya in the future so that I my do my level best for Parampara beejaraksha. For a few months, I was going to a Vaidya to practically learn Ayurveda. He made me observe how he questions the patient, the way he analyses the problem, how he prescribes diet and medicine. Overall, I had great learning with him. At the time of the pandemic also HE used to treat a number of patients. He used to tell me that this virus is not so horrible as we are thinking. This is preventable and curable if we follow some precautions like applying pure coconut oil to both the nostrils and more. I observed that most of the patients had been using English medicines for several years and lost hope of maintaining their health. But I could also see people who had come to the Vaidya downhearted 2-3 weeks ago, obtain positive results. I could feel that our ancient medicine system is not slow, as people have come to believe today. Our system of medicine should be accepted by our people. This system has been a great contribution of our country to the health of the world. But even we have stopped trusting it. This has to be changed. For that, we will try our best sir. I sincerely pray god to give this effort good success.



Swapnil Patle (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


I am giving Ayurvedic treatment to Covid patients and all begin recovering in a couple of days.



Swapnil Rathi (Ayurvedic Physician, Akola)


We have much better results for Covid than any other system even in critical cases.



Tapan Kumar Sau (Professor, IIIT Hyderabad)


My mother (at about 70 years of her age) had high blood pressure, sugar and swollen legs because of kidney problems. She had been undergoing allopathic treatment for several years and was taking regular medicine for these ailments. When she visited me here at Hyderabad, after an initial round of diagnosis and repetition of similar treatment, I shifted her to Ayurvedic care. After about 5 months of Ayurvedic treatment, she had normal blood pressure, and no sugar (medicine not required) and almost no swelling in the leg.



Thirunarayanan T. (Siddha Physician, Chennai)


Appropriately chosen Siddha medicine of right quality and dose could save many.



Tulsi Patel (Retired Professor of Sociology, DU, presently at Jodhpur)


I think there is lesser side effects in trying Ayurvedic medicines and immune boosting remedies which should be encouraged.



Uma Mohan (Housewife, Chennai)


I have full faith in Ayurveda. Great work being done by Dr. Sudhir and Dr Meera Sudhir, great children of this country. This is my personal experience. I am under their care.



Umera S. (Siddha Physician and AMO, Tirupattur)


Support Indian systems of Medicine.



Uzma Qureshi (Ayurvedic Physician, Chandrapur)


I fully support this appeal.



Vaishnavi Warghane (Ayurvedic Physician, Nagpur)


Please allow Indian systems of medicine for prevention and cure of Covid-19.



Vani Singh (Ayurvedic Physician, Dehradun)


I have undertaken the treatment of several Covid patients and found that the disease responded very well to Ayurvedic medicine. The treatment is simple and does not require any hi-tech intervention. Since the medicines do not produce any side effects, the cure takes less time and patients report less fatigue. Ayurveda also has a large range of rejuventive medicines that ensure post-Covid recovery.



Varnika Rani (Assistant Professor of Roga Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan, PIAMSR, Jhajjar)


I found in Covid situation that Ayurvedic drugs did wonderfully. The results were so surprising and effective too. I highly recommend Ayurvedic medicine in Covid pandemic.



Vedita Chilwarwar (Ayurvedic Physician and Consultant, Nagpur)


In this situation of pandemic Ayurveda has given A hope to A lot of people got treated without causing any side with the help of Ayurveda. And this initiative should be taken A lot earlier but it is better late than never.



Vijay Bharatiya (South Asia Peace Alliance, Ahmedabad)


I endorse the appeal.



Vijaykumar Gawali (HOD, Clinical R&E, Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Thane, Mumbai)


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and congratulate you for this initiative. It is very important to consider alternate systems of medicine to curb this deadly disease and hence Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute in association with IIT Bombay(as external advisors) and Shree Sarveshwar Seva Sahakar Sanstha undertook clinical trial on study medicine titled “AyurCoro-3” which is an ayurvedic preparations . We observed very encouraging results from this clinical trial. Patients treated with AyurCoro 3 as an adjuvant showed three times better clinical improvement compared with the control arm. The results have been presented to the Aayush ministry and the original article giving detailed report pertaining to the outcomes of this clinical trial has been submitted to a reputed and credible journal.



Vijaylatha Rastogi (Senior Professor, Microbiology, Jaipur)


Integrating traditional time tested Indian systems of medicine with modern medicine is the need of the hour and may prove to be a panacea for combating many diseases of the modern world. This is not just a belief but also researched, proved and evidence based conclusion. Only thing that remains is its proper scientific integration, acceptance and wide usage.



Vinay Bajpai (Head Training Cell, Shantikunj, Haridwar)


Ayurveda is scientific and very effective. It should be promoted



Vineet Chaitanya (Distinguished Professor, IIIT Hyderabad)


I mainly depend on Ayurvedic medicines. Luckily IIIT Hyderabad has an Ayurvedic consultant also in its Health Centre. But I also use my discrimination to use Allopathy if Ayurvedic medicine does not seem to be handling a particular health issue for me. My suggestion in case of this appeal is that the PM should handover it to an appropriate medical body to examine the results reported in the study and if necessary additional experiments should be done.



Vinu R. (Associate Professor, IIT Madras)


I’m in strong support of promoting traditional medicines for the cure of COVID. Many in my family have used them and found to be effective.



Yamini Bhusan Tripathi (Ex Dean, Ayurveda Faculty, BHU, Varanasi)


Very good effort.



Yogesh Rathi (Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)


I regularly practice Jal-neti, Yoga, Shankhprakshalan and use immunity boosting herbal medicines.



Yogesh Sharma (Assistant Professor, PIAMSR, Jhajjar)


I have treated dozens of patients of Covid with excellent results. Ayurveda one of the best systems of medicine for prevention of Covid and other diseases.



Yogesh Uprade (Ayurvedic Physician and Panchakarma Consultant, Nagpur)


During the second wave of Covid, a patient of age 84/M came to my Ayurvedic clinic. He had SpO2 level of 65, complaint of breathlessness, weakness, also k/c/o-HTN and was unable to walk properly. I sent him for Covid test and before that I gave some Ayurvedic Medicine for the present symptoms. He was positive case of Covid and was completely cured within 3 weeks of medication. Now he does not need to take any allopathic drug for any symptoms in his body and not even for HTN. In our clinic we have treated more than 500 patients during Covid.



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